
Dr. Nikolaos Tsolakidis LL.M. (Miami)


Nikolaos advises and represents corporates in all areas of business and commercial law, including public international law. Prior to co-founding ARKTIK Legal, he worked for some of the world’s most prestigious international law firms such as Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Frankfurt (Germany) and White & Case in Washington, D.C. (USA). His experience also includes a position with the World Bank Group’s Integrity Vice Presidency as a stagiaire in the Special Litigation unit in Washington, D.C. (USA).

Nikolaos has significant experience in advising and representing clients in court and arbitration proceedings with a particular focus on reinsurance, post-M&A disputes, investment arbitration and international sales and distribution contracts.

Nikolaos also acts as arbitrator and expert in arbitration proceedings.


Second State Exam, Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main

PhD, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (summa cum laude)

Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Miami, USA (Fulbright Scholar)

First State Exam, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main






Representing investors against the Federal Republic of Germany in an ICSID arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty regarding regulatory measures in the renewable energy sector.

Representing a financial services provider in an ICSID arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty against the Kingdom of Spain regarding regulatory changes in the renewable energy sector.

Acting as counsel for several clients in various ad hoc, ICC, LCIA and DIS arbitrations relating to post-M&A disputes and claims in relation to concession agreements as well as long term supply agreements.

Advising automobile manufacturers in several institutional arbitration proceedings in relation to distribution issues.

Representing a German industry conglomerate on post-compliance follow-on damages claims.

Acting as counsel for multinational automobile manufacturer in its defense against customer claims arising from the global product recall.





Investor-state arbitration clause in ECT incompatible with EU law when applied to intra-EU disputes (ECJ) (Full update), in Thomson Reuters Practical Law (together with G. Pettazzi)

Looking into the Crystall Ball: The Future of Commercial Arbitration and European Union Law, in: National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht, Festschrift für Herbert Kronke, Bielefeld 2020, p. 1621-1635 (together with R. Trittmann)

Material-Adverse-Change-Klauseln als beispielhafter Anwendungsbereich für beschleunigte Schiedsverfahren, in M&A Review 4/2018, p.125-129 (together with R. Trittmann)

Das Aufhebungsverfahren nach Artikel 52 ICSID-Konvention: zur Unterscheidung zwischen Prüfungsgegenstand (subject of review) und Prüfungsmaßstab (standard of review), Nomos 2016

International Arbitration in a Globalized World, in ABA Dispute Resolution Magazine, Winter Issue 2014 (together with C. Lamm, E. Hellbeck)

ICSID Annulment Standards: Who Has Finally Won the Reisman vs Broches Debate From Two Decades Ago?, in J. Kalicki, A. Joubin-Bret (ed.), Reshaping the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System. Journeys for the 21st Century, Brill/Nijhoff 2015, S. 828-852, also published in TDM 1 (2014)

Host-State Counterclaims: A Remedy for Fraud or Corruption in Investment-Treaty Arbitration?, in TDM 3 (2013) (together with p. Dudas)

§ 8 Internationaler Investitionsschutz, in Ehlers/Fehling/Pünder (ed.), Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht, Bd. 1, 3. Aufl. (C.F. Müller, 2012), S. 202-235 (together with R. Hofmann)



Fulbright Scholarship for LL.M. Studies

PhD thesis awarded with the academic price of the German Arbitration Institute for the best dissertations in the field of arbitration in the years 2017/2018

PhD thesis receiving the highest academic honor summa cum laude

PhD thesis awarded with VG Wort stipend covering printing costs